What is periodontitis and how is it treated?

Periodontitis or pyorrhea is a periodontal disease that, despite its seriousness, is not always given enough attention. This is usually due to the fact that, in its most initial phases, the symptoms are not painful, only a slight bleeding is detected when brushing the teeth. Thus, many people do not give it importance until the disease progresses.

In fact, a epidemiological study carried out at a European level —the largest study carried out to date on this subject— has revealed that in Spain more than half of the active population has gingivitis, and almost 40% has periodontitis.

Since periodontitis develops from a gingivitis treated incorrectly or not treated, we can say that attention is not paid to the initial stages of periodontal disease. In addition, the study concludes that the results of periodontal disease in adults between 35 and 45 years of age are worse than those published in previous studies.

Causes and symptoms of periodontitis

Periodontitis consists of tissue inflammation What is around the tooth? If the inflammation is superficial, it is known as gingivitis, and usually manifests as a slight bleeding of the gums. If the disease progresses, it transforms into a deeper infection of the gum, which recedes and detaches from the tooth. Periodontal pockets are also formed, where tartar and plaque accumulate below the gum line. This is considered an advanced stage of the disease where bone loss and eventually tooth loss occurs if not treated properly.




The origin of periodontal disease is multifactorial, where the type of bacteria found in the oral flora mark the evolution of the disease, and it is considered to be individual to each person. But the presence of these bacteria is not enough, one or more of the following must occur factors that cause or aggravate the problem:

  • Incorrect or insufficient dental cleaning.
  • Malposition of the teeth, which makes it difficult to clean them.
  • The person is a regular smoker.
  • Wrong eating habits.
  • Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy.
  • Certain diseases, such as diabetes, which lower our defenses.
  • Some medications can alter the oral flora.
  • Stress or anxiety on a regular basis, which also alters our defenses.
  • Genetic tendency to suffer from periodontal disease.

Precisely a recent study on one of these factors demonstrates the negative effect of continuous states of stress and anxiety on periodontal health.

To diagnose periodontitis, it is best to see a professional. But we indicate the most frequent symptoms that can put you on notice:

  • Red and swollen gums.
  • Bleeding gums, especially when brushing our teeth or chewing.
  • Receding gums, which make the tooth look larger.
  • Discomfort or pain in the gums when chewing.
  • Bad breath permanently.
  • Dental sensitivity, especially in the cold.
  • One or more teeth move.

Treatment of periodontitis

The treatment of periodontitis must be carried out by a professional, home care will not be enough, and it will depend on the stage of the disease.

For example, if you are at an early stage, perhaps a deep cleaning, including scaling and removal of periodontal pockets.

Also, we may need Antibiotics to treat the infection, and our dentist will advise us if a chlorhexidine mouthwash or the use of interdental brushes at home as maintenance. We can also recommend probiotics to help create a new biofilm.

In Ahoa we carry out a detailed periodontal analysis to detect the factors that cause or aggravate periodontitis in each person, in order to better prevent the appearance or progression of the disease. Sometimes it can even be very useful to include a microbiological analysis. In any case, periodontal diseases are considered chronic and with a clear tendency to reappear if there is no continuous control of the risk factors, so it will be very important to follow the prevention guidelines that our trusted professional gives us.

Ask us if you have any questions! Our team of specialists will help you in all phases of the treatment.

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Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 620, attic 1º
08007 Barcelona
Phone: 933 43 66 41
Email: clinica@ahoa.es