How does our diet influence dental health?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our eating habits have much more influence than we think on our physical and mental state: If we eat better, we feel good physically, we have more capacity to resist diseases, our mood improves and we even rest better. The phrase "we are what we eat" is not far from reality, although perhaps "we feel as we eat" is more accurate.

In this article we will focus on how the food we eat, and how often we eat it, influence the health of our teeth and gums. Caries is usually the most well-known problem —since we were little we are constantly told that eating sugar and sweets causes cavities-, but he's not the only one. There are foods that aggravate the processes of gingivitis and periodontitis, and diets low in "fresh" nutrients reduce our mouth's defenses against certain bacteria and oral infections, to give a few examples.

On the contrary, a diet rich in calcium during growth will help us have healthier and stronger teeth. Certain foods improve our dental health by helping us keep our teeth clean and balance the bacterial flora in the mouth. Other foods, in moderate quantity, such as Red wine or green teaThey also contribute to improving our oral health.

Eating habits that improve our dental health

The ADA (American Dental Association) offers some recommendations related to eating habits to improve our oral health:[/vc_column_text][iconbox icon=”ion-android-clock” i_color=”#4c77c9″ title=”1. Try not to snack between meals»]Foods that are eaten during a meal are less harmful, since when we eat we release more saliva, which helps us to eliminate food remains and reduce the effects of food acids.[/iconbox] [iconbox icon=”draw-water34″ i_color=”#4c77c9″ title=”2. Drink lots of water»]Water helps us keep our mouths clean, and prevents stomach problems that can affect our oral health.[/iconbox][iconbox icon=»imf-food-2″ i_color=»#4c77c9″ title= "3. Eat a varied diet»]Eat a variety of foods from each of the five major food groups: grains, fruits, vegetables, protein foods, and dairy.[/iconbox][iconbox icon=”draw-apple41″ i_color=”#4c77c9 ″ title=”4. If you want to snack…”]If you want to snack on something between meals, go for cheese, raw vegetables, fruit or yogurt.[/iconbox][vc_column_text]Many experts recommend following a diet based on the habits of our ancestors, known as paleolithic diet. Very briefly, it consists of eating more natural foods and reducing or eliminating processed foods. In this diet, the consumption of fruits, vegetables, vegetables, animal protein, eggs, nuts, roots, non-vegetable oils and seeds would be increased.

However, this diet must be applied in an adapted and rational way, since not all people have the same food needs, do not perform the same amount of physical activity or have the same general state of health.

On the other hand, it is very important to maintain proper oral hygiene, brushing after each meal and flossing. And do not forget to visit your dentist at least every six months, it is much better to be safe than sorry!

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