What is periodontitis and how is it treated?

Periodontitis or pyorrhea is a periodontal malaise to which, despite serious illness, we do not always pay attention. Això sun be known to fet that, in the initial phases, the symptoms are not painful, it is simply produced a lleuger sagnat at the time of scraping the teeth. Així, many people do not give importance so that the malaltia advances.

of fet, a epidemiological study fet at European level —the study of the most recent fets at the moment— has revealed that in Spain more than half of the active population has gingivitis, and 40% have periodontitis.

Atès that periodontitis is developed from a gingivitis Treated incorrectly or not treated, we can say that it is not to care for the initial status of a periodontal disease. Furthermore, the study concluded that the results of periodontal disease in adults between 35 and 45 years of age are pitjor als published in previous studies.

Causes and symptoms of periodontitis

Periodontitis consists of a inflammation of the tissues that hi ha al voltant de la dent. If the inflammation is superficial, it is coneix com a gingivitis, i used to manifest with a sagnat lleu de les genives. If the malaltia advances, it is transformed into a deeper infection of the geniva, which is withdrawn and is disengaged from the tooth. It is also formed by the bosses periodontals, on s'acumula coarse i plaque per sota de la línia de la geniva. Això is considered an advanced status of malaltia, on it is produced a pèrdua d'os i finally dent if it is not treated adequately.

The origin of periodontal malaise is multifactorial, with the type of bacteria that affect the oral flora marking the evolution of the malaise, and it is considered that each person is individual. But no n'hi has prou amb la presència d'aquests bacteris, cal que es doni one o otros dels subsequent factors that cause or add to the problem:

  • Incorrect or insufficient dental netting.
  • Malposition of the teeth, which makes neteja difficult.
  • The person is a regular smoker.
  • Wrong eating habits.
  • Hormonal changes, with which it is produced during pregnancy.
  • Certain maladies, such as diabetes, decrease our defenses.
  • Some medications can alter the oral flora.
  • Stress or anxiety on a regular basis, which also alters the defenses.
  • Genetic tendency to cause periodontal disease.

Precisely a I studied recently On a number of factors, it demonstrates the negative effect of ongoing stress and anxiety states on periodontal health.

To diagnose periodontitis, the most recommended is to go to a professional. But tell us most frequent symptoms that they can pose on birds.

  • Genives vermelles i inflames.
  • Sagnat de genives, especially in scraping-nos les dents or mastegar.
  • Retraction of the genives, who fan that the dent is bigger vegi.
  • Molèsties or pain to them genives in mastegar.
  • bad alè permanently.
  • dental sensitivity, especially fred.
  • One or several dents is mouen.

Treatment of periodontitis

The treatment of periodontitis should take a professional, not n'hi prou amb tenir-ne cure at home, and will depend on the phase in which the malaltia is trobi. For example, if it is troba in an initial phase, it will be enough both a deep net, which included scraping and removing the periodontal bosses.

A month, may be that we need antibiotics to treat the infection, and our dentist will advise if I see a need for a col lutori with chlorhexidine or l'ús of interdental rasps home with maintenance We can also recommend probiotics to help create a new biofilm.

Ahoa sleep to finish me one detailed periodontal analysis to detect the factors that cause or add to periodontitis in each person, to be able to prevent the appearance or progression of malaltia. Sometimes fins i tot could be very useful for a microbiological analysis. In any case, periodontal diseases are considered chronic and with a clear tendency to recur if there is no continuous control of the risk factors, therefore it will be very important to follow them. prevention guidelines that ens doni the nostre professional de confiança.

Consult'ns if you have qualsevol dubte! Our team of specialists will assist you in all phases of the treatment.

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